Basic Concept

Nihon Plast will create a forest of learning rich in biodiversity to pass on a rich forest environment to future generations by promoting forest maintenance and forest environmental education, and contribute to the community through environmental education for employees and local residents. We also hope to contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality through the absorption of CO2 by the trees in these forests.

Forest Growing Activities

A 1 hectare forest adjacent to Nihon Plast’s Fuji Plant in the Kitayama Industrial Park in Fujinomiya City was selected as a field for reforestation activities, and a maintenance agreement was signed with Fujinomiya City. 
The name “Hagukuminomi-no-Mori” means “to nurture a forest rich in ecosystems” and “to nurture the awareness and spirit of environmental conservation among our employees and local residents.


Cleanup of Green Space along the Uruigawa Riverbed
~Park Protection Agreement with Fujinomiya City~

Cleanup of Green Space along 
the Uruigawa Riverbed
~Park Protection Agreement 
with Fujinomiya City~

Fujinomiya City, where Nihon Plast is located, promotes maintenance and management of urban parks and small parks in cooperation with the local community and the city, including greening, cleaning, and beautification activities with the cooperation of park protection groups, local community associations, and residents of the surrounding area. Our employees are united in our efforts to preserve the local environment and leave a beautiful natural environment for the next generation.

Cleanup of Green Space along the Uruigawa Riverbed
Cleanup of Green Space along the Uruigawa Riverbed
Cleanup of Green Space along the Uruigawa Riverbed

Cleaning Outside the Premises

In order to maintain the environment within the company, Nihon Plast is always aware of the 5S’s and strives to create a comfortable working environment for its employees.
In addition, since Nippoplast is located in an industrial park, we regularly conduct cleanups outside our premises with neighboring companies as “Environmental Beautification Day” to maintain the appearance and cleanliness of the park.

Cleaning Outside the Premises
Cleaning Outside the Premises
Cleaning Outside the Premises
Cleaning Outside the Premises

Together with Local Communities

Together with 
Local Communities

In addition to our voluntary activities, Nihon Plast participates in activities sponsored by prefectural and municipal governments and NPOs to protect nature, preserve the environment, and conserve biodiversity through interaction with our employees, their families, and local residents.

Kakita River Nature Observation Activities
for Parents and Children
~Hosted by Fuji-san Network~

Kakita River Nature 
Observation Activities
for Parents and Children
~Hosted by Fuji-san 

The Kakita River is a spring-fed river with the highest water quality and quantity in Japan. It is one of the largest spawning grounds for ayu (sweetfish) in Japan and a valuable source of delicious drinking water for approximately 330,000 people in eastern Shizuoka Prefecture. Unusually for an urban river, the river maintains a continuous ecosystem of vegetation from the land to the water’s edge and into the water. 
On the day of the event, we collected and observed the organisms that live here, and then released them into the river, where they learned the value of life together with the children who participated. 
We plan to continue our participation in nature conservation and community contribution activities to preserve the beautiful natural environment for future generations.

Kakita River Nature Observation Activities for Parents and Children

Participating in the “6Rs Citizens’ Movement”
beach cleanup activities organized
by Shizuoka Prefecture to prevent
marine plastic litter

Participating in the “6Rs 
Citizens’ Movement”
beach cleanup activities 
organized by Shizuoka 
Prefecture to prevent
marine plastic litter

Amid concerns about global environmental pollution caused by plastic waste, we are participating in the “Recover” activity, a part of the “6Rs” campaign by Shizuoka Prefecture. 
We participated in the activities to protect the beautiful sea and coast of Shizuoka Prefecture from pollution caused by plastic waste by picking up trash along the coast of Fuji overlooking Suruga Bay, which is recognized as one of the most beautiful bays in the world.

Participating in the "6Rs Citizens' Movement"
beach cleanup activities organized
by Shizuoka Prefecture to prevent
marine plastic litter

Participated in “Operation Eradicate Invasive 
Alien Plants,”a biodiversity conservation
activity organized by Fuji-san Network

Participated in “Operation 
Eradicate Invasive Alien Plants,
“a biodiversity conservation
activity organized by 
Fuji-san Network

Fuji, and several invasive alien plants have been identified along the roads around the foot of Mt. The invasion, propagation, and spread of non-native plants may deprive the area of its original plant habitat and gradually destroy the genetic composition unique to the area, thereby destroying the ecosystem.
In the activities, participants learned the importance of ecosystem conservation and worked together to remove invasive plants such as dandelion, white clover, and Canada goldenrod. We will continue our social contribution activities to contribute to a sustainable society.

Alien Plants,"a biodiversity conservation
activity organized by Fuji-san Network